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About Kazakhstan

The Republic Kazakhstan is the ninth country in size in the world, covers 2,7 million.кm. Kazakhstan is located in the center of the Eurasian continent. This disposition historically predetermines great geopolitical value, and through the main trans-Asiatic lines connection between the West and the East is carried out. Kazakhstan borders Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and China.

Kazakhstan covers huge territory and is known for a various landscape: from high snow mountains up to steppes, semi deserts and deserts. We have and it is possible to see the lowest place in the world 300м. below a sea level located in the West, and one of the highest peaks in the world: Khan – Tengry -7010м above sea level which is located South-East in our hunting site.

Thousand’s kinds of plants including turangy and elm, some thousand’s kinds of animals a brown bear, a snow leopard, saiga, wild goat, maral, etc.

Climate in Kazakhstan sharply continental.

Our republic is famous by the well-known sights, such as, the Museum « Cosha Ahmet Jassaui », the city ancient city of Turkistan, Tien Shans mountains and peak Khan - Tengry, lakes - Balkhash, Alakol, Zaisan, high-mountainous skating rink Medeo, ski resort Chimbylak.